

weekly learning

“strive 6/3 ~ 6/10” Use [gem] spreadsheet read and write Spreadsheet Documents. [gem] rubyXL This gem supports operating on xlsx files R...


weekly learning

“strive 5/20 ~ 6/3” Use [gem] Google Maps for Rails Read [ruby] 5 Pry Features Every Ruby Developer Should Know ls ls -l find-method xpath Nokogir...


weekly learning

“strive 5/13 ~ 5/20” Use [gem] rack-cors Rack::Cors provides support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Rack compatible web applications. [gem] Geo...


weekly learning

“strive 5/6 ~ 5/13” Use [gem] RailRoady RailRoady generates Rails 3/4/5 model (ActiveRecord, Mongoid, Datamapper) and controller UML diagrams as cross-platform .svg files, ...


weekly learning

“strive 4/30 ~ 5/6” Use [gem] dotenv Read [article] 白板面试和程序优化这么火,到底为什么? Software Performance Still Matter [ruby] Improve your Ruby application'...


weekly learning

“strive 4/08 ~ 4/29” Use [tool] Boomerang, SOAP & REST Client [gem] WashOut WashOut is a gem that greatly simplifies creation of SOAP service providers. ...


weekly learning

“strive 4/01 ~ 4/08” Use Read [rails engine] A Guide to Rails Engines in the Wild: Real World Examples of Rails Engines in Action [rails engine] Patterns for Successful Rai...


weekly learning

“strive 3/25 ~ 4/01” Use [error handling] rollbar Ruby error tracking made easy [error handling] honeybadger Read [architect] Enterprise Archit...


weekly learning

“strive 3/18 ~ 3/25” Use [tool] Duplicate Production Requests for Testing [gem] switchman ActiveRecord extension for sharding your database Read ...


weekly learning

“strive 3/11 ~ 3/18” Use Read [rails] Common Rails Idioms that Kill Database Performance As you start doing more complex queries, it’s a good idea to run them through expl...