“strive 3/25 ~ 4/01”
[error handling] rollbar
- Ruby error tracking made easy
[error handling] honeybadger
[architect] Enterprise Architectures with Ruby (and Rails)
[pattern] DataMapper vs Active Record
- 應用程式的設計類型
- 如果你們的應用程式設計的時候不依賴與資料庫結構 => DataMapper 它可以很好的控制持久化相關的操作,而且可以把業務規則封裝在實體中。其實你會發現它體現領域驅動設計的模型
- 當你根據資料庫的結構去進行應用程式設計的時候 => Active Record
- 應用程式的規模
- 我們要從一個存在的業務邏輯中去創建一個新的應用程式,那麼我們可以採用Data Mapper模式的ORM 通過Data Mapper模式我們可以通過領域模型去封裝業務規則,讓在應用程式中更清晰更直觀 => DataMapper
- 一個最小化可行產品(Minimum Viable Product, MVP)產品然後測試和收集用戶的反饋 => Active Record
- 應用程式的設計類型
[error handling] Please Use an Error Service!
[error handling] Clean Code and The Art of Exception Handling
- Always create your own ApplicationError hierarchy
- Never rescue more exceptions than you need to => handle most in parent controller
[error handling] Reading Rails - Handling Exceptions
- ActiveSupport’s Rescuable module lets us define exception handlers. ActionController’s Rescue middleware catches exceptions, and then tries to handle them.
[error handling] exceptional-ruby
[rails engine] Migrating from a single Rails app to a suite of Rails engines
[rails engine] Unbuilt Rails Dependencies: How to design for loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive components within a Rails application
[rails engine] Rails Contained: A Container for Web Application Development and Deployment
[rails engine] Rails Engine guide
[rails engine] Rails Breaking Up a Monolithic Rails App Without MicroService
- share business logic
- independent deployment
- no remote call
[rails engine] 重构-基于Rails:Engine的Rails网站系统拆分