“strive 10/9 ~ 10/15”
[gem] https://github.com/krisleech/wisper
- A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
[monitor] monit
[rails] ruby conf china 2016
[rails] Building API For The REST of Us
- authenticaion base on the payload and access key
- After user signup send him a welcome email => use service and be called on controller
[rails] 打造 Ruby 开发团队的航母
- 元件化 可組裝應用 將各個可共用功能都拆成gem, rails engine
[rails] 如何利用 Rails 在 21 天单枪匹马上线一个产品
- 快速打造產品的步驟及能力
[rails] 环境变量 为何能让 Ruby 快十倍
- 優化好Bundler
- bundler/setup之後 大量環境變數被修改
- bundle/setup 後 會比較目前Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, 等於浪費時間去載比較一次Gemfile, 因為已經有Gemfile.lock了
- 解法: Bundler.with_clean_env
[rails] Refactoring lesson : from GPA 1.4 to GPA 3.0
- refactor 原則
[rails] Reconsider REST: 一种构建大型Rails应用的方式
- 定義資源 思考資源的含意 而不是動作
- 思考資源的業務意義 而不是資料表
- routes.rb 中不出現動詞
- 使用標準HTTP Verb + Resource 組裝業務邏輯
- 每個controller 不超過CRUD標準方法
[rails] 如何给 Rails 应用减肥 - 薄荷微服务化实践
- 根據業務運行粒度適中的劃分
- 按性質 獨立基礎服務
- 按業務 按產品
- 按團隊 康威定律
- 建立簡便的服務煎通信機制和跨服務數據訪問的能力
- 根據業務運行粒度適中的劃分
[rails] 打造国际化产品:Strikingly的I18n实践
[architect] 每個架構師都應該研究下康威定律
[rails] Turbolinks5 概述及實現原理
[rails] Using Time Zones with Rails
[HTTP] 跨域資源共享CORS 詳解
- CORS需要瀏覽器和服務器同時支持
- 簡單請求=> 具體來說,就是在頭信息之中,增加一個Origin字段
- 非簡單請求
- 預檢請求 => “預檢”請求用的請求方法是OPTIONS
[rails] Crafting Rails 4 Applications
- chapter2: Building Models with Active Model
- Adding Attribute Methods
include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
1) attribute methods behaviorattribute_method_prefix 'clear_'
2) clear_ is attribute prefixdefine_attribute_methods(names)
3) Ask to define the prefix methods for the given attribute namesdef clear_attribute(attribute)
4) Since we declared a “clear_” prefix, it expects to have a “clear_attribute” method defined, which receives an attributen ame and implements the clearing logic.
- Aiming for an Active Model–Compliant API
include ActiveModel::Conversion
- to_key(), to_param(), and to_partial_path()
extend ActiveModel::Naming
- human(), singular()
extend ActiveModel::Translation
- i18n
- Delivering the Form
class_attribute :attribute_names
self.attribute_names = []
1) Define a class attribute and initialize itself.attribute_names += names
2) Add new names as they are defined
initialize set value
def initialize(attributes = {})ttributes.each do |attr, value| self.public_send("#{attr}=", value) end if attributes end
- Validators
- validates_presence_of
def validates_presence_of(*attr_names) validates_with PresenceValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names) end
- ActiveModel::EachValidator
class AbsenceValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors.add(attribute, :invalid, options) unless value.blank? end end
- Callbacks
extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
1) Add callbacks behaviordefine_model_callbacks :deliver
2) Define the callbacks. The line below will create both before_deliver, and after_deliver callbacks with the same semantics as in Active Recordrun_callbacks(:deliver) {}
Change deliver to run the callbacks
- Adding Attribute Methods
- chapter2: Building Models with Active Model